Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Buddh International Circuit... yeah that happened

The inaugural Grand Prix of #India happened this past Sunday with mishaps abound but had nothing to do with the track or officials or ill preparedness of the host country. Like in races earlier in the year people in the back of the pack just seem to not understand what to do at the start of the race. it being a new track and slippery as hell not withstanding, but having Williams Rubens Barrichello to run into not one but two people just seems like a calamity.

Kamui Koboyashis' car up until this point seemed almost indestructible with all of the collisions he has had in the past couple races, but yet India was the track to do him in after having problems at the start had to retire during the first lap after he saw smoke.

Felipe Massa had one hell of a weekend, Ferrari brought 3 new front wings with them to test this weekend and Massa got the one that happened to flex a ridiculous amount. Spark flying everywhere as it scraped along the straight away's then during Saturday's Qualifying missed the chicane on one of the turns had his right front wheel almost come off which led him running into the wall. All of that and for it to only happen to the left front wheel during the race, it most likely;y didn't help that not a lap or two earlier he had a run with his old friend Lewis Hamilton and had gotten a drive through penalty from the stewards.

Timo Glock seemed to have some luck with him at first as he couldn't finish q1 in the 107% time requirement due to mechanical problems and the stewards ended up letting him race. Only to be run into by Kamui and taken out of the race after getting back to the pit lane.

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