Sunday, November 27, 2011


The #2011 season of #F1 is over with a Mark Webber winwho would of one that's who with Vettel taking charge in the last lap of qualifying. I'm sure everyone was under the impression that Vettel would take a final victory at interlagos. But alas problems abound as Vettel ended p having gearbox trouble along with Hamilton who had to leave the race which was surprising for the Vodafone team. Button ran a great race, show that he was quicker than the Ferraris on the harder tyre, solidifying his place as second in the drivers championship, which was well deserved.

The most amazing thing to note is that Massa and Hamilton drove next to each other for several laps for the race and some how there cars unlike in other races where they were more like magnets, stayed off one another. Which seemed as odd as Vettel not winning the race.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Abu Dhabi in such.

Who on the planet #earth wouldofthought that Seb would be out after the second turn of the first lap. #Hamilton got to lead almost the entire race and after making a critical pit stop to get past Alonso won the race. Hamilton looked in top form finally after troubles in his house and for some reason speculation from others about Button extending his contract, there should of been no worries there to begin with even if there were some.

On another note go figure that Massa would be running into people, it was great that earlier in the week the topic of he and Hamilton Running into each other over the season was continually brought up. That he actually believes none of the incidents involving him were his fault is unfathomable. That Brazilian at least could look better by owning up to his own mistakes. Keeping the driving line while someone is right beside you is just ignorance as shown today when he and Rosberg touched. It is great to know that Ferrari will keep him around securing the fact that more people will be in danger with him on the track.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Ferrari and Formula1?

Of course what what Montezemolo said last week was a veiled threat, what else could it possibly be #Ferrari is in this sport to make head way with their product or money in some fashion whether they have been with sport since the 1950's makes no never mind to them and of course all the fans they have had made since. Having the largest following in the sport should have nothing todo with what they do with Formula 1.

I'm glad aerodynamics plays no role in how they design their cars and is of little or no importance to them, maybe they could get better readouts from things if someone on the team could keep his car on the road.

It was nice that he came back out and said that it wasn't a threat WTO leave the sport, but he still left it out there that he wants to see major changes in the sport. I'm saddened by the fact that Ferrari would even consider leaving.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Buddh International Circuit... yeah that happened

The inaugural Grand Prix of #India happened this past Sunday with mishaps abound but had nothing to do with the track or officials or ill preparedness of the host country. Like in races earlier in the year people in the back of the pack just seem to not understand what to do at the start of the race. it being a new track and slippery as hell not withstanding, but having Williams Rubens Barrichello to run into not one but two people just seems like a calamity.

Kamui Koboyashis' car up until this point seemed almost indestructible with all of the collisions he has had in the past couple races, but yet India was the track to do him in after having problems at the start had to retire during the first lap after he saw smoke.

Felipe Massa had one hell of a weekend, Ferrari brought 3 new front wings with them to test this weekend and Massa got the one that happened to flex a ridiculous amount. Spark flying everywhere as it scraped along the straight away's then during Saturday's Qualifying missed the chicane on one of the turns had his right front wheel almost come off which led him running into the wall. All of that and for it to only happen to the left front wheel during the race, it most likely;y didn't help that not a lap or two earlier he had a run with his old friend Lewis Hamilton and had gotten a drive through penalty from the stewards.

Timo Glock seemed to have some luck with him at first as he couldn't finish q1 in the 107% time requirement due to mechanical problems and the stewards ended up letting him race. Only to be run into by Kamui and taken out of the race after getting back to the pit lane.